wouldn't you know, when i finally finish my noro gloves, the weather turns unseasonably warm?!
at the very least, the warm dry air helped them dry out on the porch today.

i used the basic pattern from ann budd's _The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns_. and, for some reason, glove #2 came out a bit smaller than the first.
i'm sure my hands aren't the same size either, so i'm not going to fret over it. bottom line, i have a new pair of very warm gloves!
i let them soak in some wool wash, and it really helped relax the fabric. before, they were quite stiff. they didn't grow nor shrink. they are the closest thing to perfect (aside from being 2 different sizes :p )
finished object #2 is a finished pair of socks ...

i started these immediately after SAFF in october. i purchased both the yarn and pattern from the miss bab's booth. i knitted them for the october SKA challenge.
i still have 2 other pairs of socks to finish, plus various other "obligations" (ie: a monster for my swap group, a couple of knitted/crochet toys for friends, etc).

i got these yarns today too ... the brown cotton is for a washcloth, and the other two (magenta & brown) are for a
jerry monkey.