that's what i call it when i've done more ripping than knitting. but, it's a necessary evil ...
sometimes. sigh. i have been doing a lot of ripping.
first up, a beautiful
lace shawl ....

... knitted with a beautiful
beautiful silk yarn, schaefer's
andrea. i found this yarn at a new to me yarn store in hickory, nc, ...
a strand of purls. i would not had found this yarn store w/o the
yarn store shop directory on ravelry (just under the list of
popular yarns on the left side of the screen).
the yarn is a 2ply lace weight silk, dyed semi-solid in a shade of
almond. there's plenty of yardage, but i seem to be having a hard time at figuring out which size needle to use. the pattern calls for a US4 (if knitting their cashmere).

i tried the 4. and i felt it was a little too
open. so, i switched to a size 2 needle (3mm) and now it's
too small. it seems, the US3 will be
just right. which means, i must rip again. (both photos feature the size 4 knitting)
also, i have a printed copy of this pattern
(plymouth 1486), which has mistakes. as far as i can tell so far, the online version via vogue's site is error free. i will also note that you should slip the first stitch of each row (as the pattern says), but it doesn't say to slip
with yarn in front, which you should do too.
so, i have to rip it again. but not today.
something else i ripped ....

.... awwww ...
a sock ! mom picked out a ball of plymouth's
sockin' sox for me to knit for her. though i know that a plain stockinette sock would pacify her, i wanted something more of a challenge. i found the pattern
brainless via ravelry. don't be mislead, it's not as
mindless as the pattern name indicates.
special notes: the cables are twisted stitches, even though the chart does not indicate that. the increases in the gusset are purled though the chart doesn't indicate that as well. just sayin'.
i am just about back to where i was last night ... getting ready to start the increases for the gusset. sigh.