Sunday, December 06, 2009

cerveza? that's not german!

camo beer

i don't know about you, but the holiday time is a bit stressful and fabulous for me. the time is mixed up due to having a dysfunctional family, holiday gatherings, and birthdays.

and in between, are blue skies, cheap beer, and knitting with good friends. such as on this fabulous day last weekend ....


ms. k-smack and i had a rendezvous at one of our favorite spots in the area, Mo Joe's in raleighwood. we started off with some cheap beer and fries, then later i had an inferno burger, with all the trimmings.

we knitted, had "show-n'tell", gossiped, and enjoyed one of those rare, amazing, carolina blue skies.

interjection: knitterly review .... ms. k-smack is wearing her licorice jacket (rav. link) and my goblin sock around her neck.

but, that's not where the knitting stops. the knitting never stops. in the picture above, i was knitting on my beerweisensockencozy. i do not even claim to know any german ... it's just fun to make up words ... and german is the most wonderful language composed of multi-meanings.

(sigh) i am tired now. the sun has gone down on the planet hoth.


Michelle said...

Any day that ends with cheap beer and a burger called inferno is a good day.

Anonymous said...

making up words is so much fun, but making up knitting related words is even better!