the poor socken was the mate of my beloved black panda sockens. i just finished them within the month, and managed to f*ck them up!
i can't remember, in my 14 years of knitting socks, having ever killed a sock in the wash. i cannot believe i did this!
the good news is that my lys still had this yarn on the shelf. i will make the mate (again). and the fulled socken? .... well ... i think i'm going to make the ultimate stupid sock creature ... i doubt john murphy has any made from handknit socks. i could be wrong ... but i think it is unlikely.
and, on another positive note, i finally took the time to finish the toe of the mate of my lovely cabled sockens. i took some pictures today, but the light source was a bit too funky. i will try to get some better pictures soon ....
Oh damn. That sucks. But you know what, I bet the sock creature is going to be awesome. Stewart will have a friend!
aahh, poor *socken* but yeah to Stuart! Sounds like he'll have a *new* panda socken friend who can eat mexican food too!
Stuart eats Mexican all the time, but only when Mummy isn't looking ;P
that does stink!!! but, sounds like you'll get to be a bit creative and make a new creature out of it. good may come of it yet! maybe it was meant to be!
Aw, poop!
You could embellish it a bit, and have yourself one super-chic black X-mas stocking!
Um...on 2nd thought, the sock creature sounds a lot more sane. Forgive me, I have not yet had coffee.
clearly, the sock monster's spirit has been residing in that socken for a while, and finally found his way out!
Good Luck to day missy!!!!
I hope you have a great interview. It was good to catch up last night.
Poor soken,
but what a beautiful sock creature he will make.
Glad to hear you've got a good solution to a lousy problem. It'll be a pretty fancy sock creature, and glad you can still make another sock for the pair.
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