Tuesday, March 19, 2013

i have a secret

i have a secret, and i can't post it here. i already told the recipient that i'm making a secret project, and i even dared to tell her the color, but i'd better stop there before i totally spill the beans.

because i'm working on a secret project, i haven't been knitting on anything else. my sock just needs the toe to be finished (and of course, the mate!).
the fit is good, and of course, i am a wee bit concerned that if i don't get the 2nd sock on the needles soon, i might forget what i did the first time.

i reason with myself, i say, "well, i figured it out the first time, so when i get to that point again, i will resolve it the same way" (take or give a few stitches or rows).
i know, i can't help it. i've really been enjoying the BeFunky app way too much!

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