i got this yarn recently at my lys's anniversary sale. the yarn is
berroco weekend dk, and i got all 5 hanks for $10.
i wouldn't usually go for this color, but i always channel my inner
steel magnolia and say, "you can wear any color you like, as long as you wear the right lipstick!".
i've been on this summer t-shirt kick since last year (though i only completed one t last year --- my "gemini" in hempathy).
since then, i've been building up my queue, and have a better idea of what i want to knit or crochet for the warmer weather.
i settled on this.
not the best photo ever --- but just to get an idea.
it's essentially a rectangle, with shaping for the neck.
i've had my eye on this design for awhile, and was able to order the booklet at a deep discount online.
i had shopped online for the exact yarn, and then abandoned the idea because i do have stash.
today i swatched.
and then cast on ……
i'm really thinking this is going to be my mindless project for awhile. right now i'm on the ribbing, and then will switch to the lace --- which is a very simple 4 row repeat. the shoulder shaping is so minimal, it can probably be omitted.
the bag in the above photo probably looks a bit small --- but it's every bit as BIG as the ones i sewed before.
i bought a 1/2 yd of fabric and cut 2 pieces 13" x 17" --- sewed with a 1/2" seam allowance, and used 2" at the top to do the fold over casing for my drawstring. i purchased a yard of cord, and probably trimmed about 4" off of it.
i got the fabric at my local joann store --- i think it's a denyse schmidt print. it was in the same area of the store, but i only purchased 1/2 yard, and the selvedge didn't have enough information.
regardless --- it doesn't matter whether or not it's "designer" --- it's a very high quality cotton and very pretty print!