Thursday, October 26, 2006

this picture pretty much sums up a good day of touching fiber, all under the umbrella of perfect weather ... the epitome of fall with leaves at their peak and cool dry air, without a cloud in the sky.

this is also a picture of a happy knitter-boy (corbett) high on green peace fleece for his next sweater and beer in his belly.

this is a picture of his partner, jim, giving a flying lesson to george. jim didn't come out with us the first day, but did on the second, and found some wonderful tiny wools for embroidering.

and of course, there was the blogger meet-up. i was on the lookout for a few faces ... two i've seen before, that i met at maryland in the spring, amanda cathleen & her mom. and a fresh face, anne. it was great to see them all, and i wish that the blogger meet-up wasn't so, so, ... overwhelming, as i forgot to take pictures for the most part.

by the way, that's corbett sporting anne's moth lace shawl.

click for notes

and of course ... there was yarn. i bought some. though the socks that rock will continue to elude me, i found some other wonderful fibery goodness, without the frenzy.

i have many more photos to post ... but will likely post them on my other blog when time allows, as it was not a total fiber weekend, and it was longer than a weekend, and it included hanging out in hudson, ny, eating and drinking, and just enjoying life.


Anonymous said...

Man lace! I'm still chuckling over that one! The meet up was pretty crazy. So. many. bloggers! I love what you picked up. Great colors. It was good to see you again and to meet happy knitter boy : )

Carol said...

I can't even tell you how much I chortled at the flying cat! I hope you gave him some catnip when he landed.

knitspot anne said...

well corbett just looks great from every angle in that lace denise!

Anonymous said...

Well, now I'm completely sounds like it was such a good weekend.
And such a cute photo of you over at Knitspot!

lv2knit said...

Knitter boy is knitter cute! Where are all the cute male knitters hiding? Thanks for commenting about Lil Sock Monkey. The latest polls are pretty heavily favoring Cute over Fugly.

What is the yarn you used for the pretty gold socks?

lv2knit said...

I just read more closely and noticed that knitter boy has a boy friend -- darn!