i know there are lots of knitters out there in their olympic hysteria, knitting as fast as they can, but i don't need an organized event to exercise my own hysteria. i've been feeling like finishing some things lately, some things were so unfinished, that they were really barely started. such as this ... a summer tweed cardigan from rowan's summer tweed collection.

i started this more than a year ago, but had only knitted the sleeve. even then, i wasn't sure which size to make. i did settle on the size recently, and quickly cranked out the back. but, as i was reading the directions, i realized that the sweater is really cropped ... the instructions said to start to shape for the armholes only 9 1/2" above the hem. so, i knitted it longer. and, based on what i've knitted so far, i will not have enough yarn to make the cardigan as it's designed. i cannot get more of the same dyelot, as i've had this for quite some time, and i don't feel like going out on another wild goose chase. regardless, if i want to use this yarn for this design, i will have to rewrite the pattern ... besides, look how baggy the sleeve is on the model! the sleeve is almost as big as the sweater back. ugh.
okay, on to fun things ...

the real story here is that i had to order some more yarn inorder to finish the border of my jo sharp throw. so, i did, but i also "found" some lovely
allhemp3 from
kpixie. the sweater pictured is
stripes go round in the summer 2004 issue of interweave knits. i've knitted with the worsted wt. version of this yarn before, and love the results. it's a bit rough on the fingers while making, but after wash and wear, it's soft and drapey.

um, i also added
a few patterns. guess which design will likely be knitted first?
somebody i know will be getting some valentine socks!
and, lastly, butterfly is coming along nicely. i knitted the chevrons with size 8's and the stockinette sections with a size 7. i hope my grand plan works. i finished the back today, and am ready to cast on for a front. i plan on doing the body first so i can try that part on to help me decide on the proper sleeve length. this
grand plan is a lot of
theoretical knitting on my part.
i should get back to my throw though. i have no excuses, as i have the yarn now to finish it. but ....