Saturday, June 21, 2008

incredibly distracted

that seems to be a constant theme in my knitting. i'm worse than the weather. my mind is on cute summer sweaters (of the instant gratification variety), lace stoles (but which pattern? yarn? color? is there enough yardage?), and socks (summer of socks begins today ... and i separated my 'summer socken yarns' from the wools ... but, i think i still want to knit with the wools .....). see what i mean?

past (most) of the hard parts

and if i don't figure out the next project soon i'm gonna totally freak when i do finish this sock.

what's a knitter to do? well, what i've done thus far today ... 1)blown off a monthly optional meeting 2)surfed ravelry endlessly 3)still in pj's 4)heading out soon to wander the aisles of a cheapie craft store.

not terribly productive, but probably something i need(ed) to do.


Jody said...

Oh how exciting! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

I am in love with the Katherine Hepburn cardi by the way!

Stacey said...

how frustrating and exciting at the same time! :)