Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i blocked my pieces of butterfly yesterday so i could pin the sleeve in to decide on its length. i think the sleeve is still on the longish side, but part of me thinks it woud look kinda ridiculous shorter. the body is quite long too, but that's okay, as it looks more like a jacket vs a sweater. it will look good with a long skirt. i actually sewed the shoulder seams together, and i think the next step is the collar. i believe there is an errata for the collar instructions on the net somewhere .... yep, here it is!

the sock saga ... seems like i'm not the only one with pooling problems. what changes this? does it have to do with where in the yarn you cast on? tension/gauge? sock gods? i just decided i'm going to have a mismatched pair. i don't care enough to change it. it's just a sock. i was extra good and cast on for the pinky stripes too!

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