Monday, October 10, 2005

when all else fails ...

abandon all other knitting projects ! yes, that is what happened. i wanted to try something different with my sock yarn, but for some reason hold the colorful sock yarn precious ..... so, i knitted up my fresh sock yarn from dorchester farms. my intentions were to try something new, and then i thought, "hey, this can be some socks for mom!". but, after "guessing" where the waste yarn should be knitted in, and "guessing" the frequency of decreases for my garter st. heel, the sock ended up fitting me instead of mom. oops.

dorchester farm sock

first of all, this is from lucy neatby's book cool socks warm feet. i've followed a pattern for a toe up sock, with a "bosnian toe". oooooh..... !

dorchester toe

and a garter stitch "turkish heel" ....

dorchester heel

so, i'm on the home stretch now, and all i have left to knit is the leg ... and decide about the finish ... a ribbed cuff? i should title these socks crapshoot?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Bosnian toe! A Turkish heel! Throw in a cuff from Khazikstan and you will be the socks of the Peace Corps LOL.

I love the way that yarn stripes, it is so pretty! And I admire and envy your sock talents. I have never knitted a sock...

Love your blog!!